Experienced Xero Software Set Up and Customisation Specialists in Sydney
Your Local Xero Specialists
We can help with Xero Software set up either in our office in Belrose on Sydney’s Northern Beaches or via zoom. Our experienced Xero Gold Partner and Xero Certified Advisors will make sure your new Xero datafile is set up right from the start.
What are you waiting for?
Northern Beaches Bookkeeping Solutions Xero Set Up Special Offer

Northern Beaches Bookkeeping Solutions
Xero Software Setup Specialists
Xero Subscription 30 Day Free Trial
- We will set you up on Xero with a free trial for 30 days.
- We usually then receive a special code for 3 months at half price if not better which is Xero Partner related only but carries over to you once we transfer the subscription over to you.
Initial Xero Software Set Up Training & Assistance

- We provide practical initial training during this initial setup process so you can be up and running, invoicing clients in no time.
- Xero is a practical program best learnt by using it but it is always good to have some professional guidance and training to begin with plus we offer ongoing telephone and email support afterwards should you need it.
- We find most clients we set up on Xero come back for a further couple of hours training after a few weeks so we can check what they have been doing and give them a bit of feedback and answer any questions they may have.
Have you set Xero up yourself and need some help?
Have you set Xero up yourself or someone else has helped and now you are not quite sure what to do next? We can review your file setup and give you some initial Xero training to get you confident in using your new Xero accounting software. This is best done in a one to one meeting in our office in Belrose or we can arrange a Zoom meeting if that is more convenient. More information…
Book Your Free No Obligation Consultation or Give Us a Call.
Get Your Accounts in Order!
What are you waiting for?
Xero Back-End Defaults Settings During Xero Software Set Up
Xero Organisational Settings During Xero Software Set Up
- We will start from the beginning with your Organisational settings which include your business name, ABN, address, website, etc.
Xero Financial Settings During Xero Software Set Up
- Next we move onto your Financial settings to make sure you are set up for GST or not, monthly or quarterly BAS, PAYG withholding if you are an employer, etc
Xero Chart of Accounts During Xero Software Set Up
- Next we go over your Chart of accounts, we make sure you have your default GST codes set up right. We add new accounts specific to your business and remove ones which will never be needed.
- We make sure your ledger accounts are categorised so that your expenses and income come into your Profit and Loss and your assets and liabilities show up in your Balance Sheet
Xero Reporting and Customisation
- We will explain about reporting and customisation so you can produce the reports you need for your business.
Xero Invoice Templates and Customisation During Xero Software Set Up
- We will set up your Invoice template to look professional including adding your logo if you have one.
- It is important to have your trading terms and bank details on your invoice correctly.
- We can also customise the standard Xero invoice template to suit your specific business needs.
Xero Email Templates and Customisation During Xero Software Set Up
- We can set up your standard email templates for your invoices, statements, quotes, etc so you don’t need to type up each one individually.
- The standard ones in Xero do not have very good wording for a professional business.
- You can always edit the email or add to it each time if you need to and send a copy of the email to yourself as a default so you have a copy for your records.
Xero Bank Accounts and Bank Feeds
- We set up your bank accounts in Xero
- Then set up the bank feeds if you bank with one of the big four banks, they are fairly straight forward to get started so you can see your bank transactions feed into Xero almost instantly.
- For some other banks, the process takes a little while longer and the process is different.
- From experience, we know which banks have caused issues in the past so if the feeds don’t start when they should, we will contact Xero support on your behalf to speed up the process.
- We will bring in your missing bank transactions back to your set up date or the date you started your business so you have all of your transactions in Xero for the full financial year or period required.
Opening Balances and Bank Reconciliations
- Reconciling the bank in Xero to your physical bank account is an integral part of the whole Xero setup procedure. We will make sure the balance in Xero reflects your actual bank account balance so you can be assured there are no missing transactions or doubled ups. It is really important to enter in the correct opening balances on any bank or credit cards on the Xero dashboard.
Conversion Balances
- Once your accountant or financial tax agent has completed your prior year’s income tax return or Company financials, we will use those figures as your conversion balances in your Xero set up. Moving forward you will have a complete picture of how your business is performing in real time.
Xero Transaction Coding and Bank Rules During Xero Software Set Up
- learn how to code your bank transactions easily by setting up a bank rule for recurring transactions.
- email your paperwork into Xero so that you have a bill in the system for easy reference
- code one off transactions to the relevant ledger account.
- run a report to view your account transactions so you can view all of your account codings.
Payment Services in Xero Setup
There a number of different payment services available which can be added onto your Xero invoice. It is much easier for a customer or client to hit the Pay Now button to make their payment on credit card. You can also choose to pass on the credit card fees to your customer. We currently use Stripe payment services.
Xero Payroll and STP and STP2 Settings
Make sure your Xero datafile is set up right for STP2 or Single Touch Payroll
Xero Employee Pay Templates
Set up default templates for your employees so it is easy to run their pays each time
Xero Employee Timesheets
Start using Xero employee timesheets to record employee’s hours using their smartphone app
Need to Get your Accounts Up to Date and in Order?
- Once we have completed your Xero setup, we can get your accounts up to date if required.
Xero Payroll Training & Assistance, Superannuation & Xero STP Set Up
If you need to set up employees, payroll and STP, we recommend that you book in for a separate training session. Payroll is complicated and we don’t like to rush or make mistakes.
Xero Invoice Customization Service
Not really liking the standard Xero invoice template?
Our Xero invoice template customization service allows you to override the standard template. Have a better design, including your bank details, address, logo, move columns, make them wider or smaller, add your trading terms and conditions, etc.
Additional Xero Training, Telephone & Email Support
You may decide to book in for a little more Xero training so you can have your questions answered.
We have different types of Xero training. You can view more details on our Xero Training page.
You can access our Xero support via email or a telephone call because we know it can be frustrating at times.
As a result, you will feel more confident coding your transactions yourself. We can check your codings and edit them easily should we need to.
Supervisory Bookkeeping and Accounting Services and BAS Lodgement
Finally, you may like to sign up for our Supervisory Bookkeeping & BAS Agent Service where we review your accounts at the end of the quarter, offer suggestions on using Xero more efficiently, complete our full BAS reconciliation, prepare your BAS and send it out for signing electronically.
You get to take advantage of our 4 week extension period to lodge and pay.
And if it all gets too much for you?
We can take over your coding, reconciliations and BAS. on a regular basis!
We offer Fixed Price Everyday Bookkeeping Packages to make it easy on your cashflow
We prefer to offer fixed price bookkeeping packages which include everything you could possibly need for peace of mind. No nasty surprises and better for your cashflow each month.